Malta Cyber Series

Sang-Hyun “JeonDDing” Jeon the first invitee for MCS:VI

World-renowned Sang-Hyun “JeonDDing” Jeon is the first invited player of The Malta Cyber Series VI: Tekken 7 Tournament!

Starting his career as a Starcraft player, JeonDDing initially started his Tekken career only as a hobby. However, after achieving promising results in Tekken 6, he later decided to start competing competitively in Tekken 7, where he managed to achieve a Top 8 finish during EVO 2017. JeonDDing is known as one of the very few people to represent Eddie Gordo in competitive play, and most recently he started playing Julia to cover the gaps left open by Eddie’s weaknesses.

The SEA Major Singapore 2018 victory, the second place finish at Clash of the Olympians 2019, the third place finish at Taiger Uppercut 2018, and the fourth place finish at VSFighting 2018 are just a few of JeonDDing’s finest achievements. In addition, he frequently placed in the top eight in other competitions.

Check out JeonDDing’s message on being invited to the Malta Cyber Series VI: Tekken 7 Tournament:

Categorized as Tekken7